The fact that good nutrition aids learning is no secret nowadays. However, many parents struggle to ensure that their children – be they in pre-primary school or tertiary institutions – are receiving the nutrition they need on a daily basis. As more and more parents are turning to private education, the nutritional needs of their children are becoming a vital factor in where they choose to educate their children as well. This is why many educational institutions turn to outsourced education catering partners, such as CSG Foods.
CSG’s Food Solution offers a range of education catering services tailored to the unique needs of each school, and their growing and developing students. We know when children eat well, they are better able to grow, learn and play. Which is why we take great pride in being able to offer a healthier diet, with a wider variety of food options, to ensure that each child receives the nutrition they need to do important learning work.
The importance of good nutrition for learning
- Long-lasting energy throughout the day
- Improved concentration and mental health as they are able to think more clearly
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Stronger teeth and bones
- Stronger immune systems
- Preventing chronic diseases
Why schools choose to outsource their catering services
Let’s face it, teachers, school principals, secretaries and boarding establishment managers have enough on their plates already. Can you imagine if they had to try and design nutritious menus and manage kitchen staff as well? Outsourcing education catering just makes sense – as each company can focus on their area of expertise.
Having a company such as CSG Foods manage your food services brings a level of expertise. From our experience, CSG Foods understands the intricate dynamics of student dining. From meal planning and procurement of fresh and ingredients to food preparation and presentation – our skilled team of professionals ensures that every step of the process is executed perfectly.
How our outsourced education catering works
Onsite Kitchens
Central Kitchens
Not all schools and educational institutions have on-site kitchen facilities. We have central kitchens in Gauteng and the Western Cape. Here we can develop and provide an assortment of delicious and nutritious meals.
At CSG Foods our offerings are characterised by flexibility and innovation. Whether it’s outsourced restaurants or seamless meal delivery, from kitchens – we provide a comprehensive range of meal solutions. Our meal options are designed to meet student’s, and school’s, specific needs. This way you have the opportunity to select the service model that best suits your institution’s needs and available resources.
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