Skills & Compliance Solutions
Skills & Compliance services
Your Partner in Skills & Compliance Solutions
Our services division comprises of a range of industry professionals with strong backgrounds and expertise in Skills Development, Employment Equity, and B-BBEE legislation & compliance.
The training division at CSG provides a wide range of fully accredited programmes comprising of full qualifications, short courses and accredited skills programmes. We aim to provide a flexible training solution to our clients. On assessment of specific training requirements, we are able to provide tailor-made programmes to address any particular training requirement.
Employment Equity Solutions
- Analysing the workplace profile
- Gathering relevant employment equity information
- Aligning job titles to occupation levels
- Assistance with the formulation and design of the required employment equity policies
- Assistance with compiling the employment equity plan
- Submission of EEA2 and EEA4 reports to the department of labour annually
- Reporting of submitted plans
- Compiling and maintenance of the employment equity file
- Representing the employer in a consultative capacity during the department of labour’s audits
Skills Development Solutions
Standard Services Include:
- Collection and collation of employee records, EMP201’s, and training interventions conducted (both internally and externally) for the reporting period.
- Assistance and guidance with the implementation of a Skills Development Committee and their tasks.
- Provision of generic documentation required within the skills development process.
- Assistance and guidance with the skills development audit (if required).
- Provision of skills development information and regulations in respect of the Stakeholder’s relevant SETA.
- Tracking SETA Mandatory Grant payments on behalf of the Stakeholder and providing quarterly electronic updates.
- Assisting the Stakeholder with the administration of skills development documentation.
- Bi-Annual meetings with the Stakeholder’s representative to provide a full update on all SDF related matters.
- Compiling, completing, and submitting the Annual Training Report (ATR) and Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) on the Stakeholder’s behalf.
- Application for Discretionary Funding (when available from the relevant SETA) for projects that will be run by CSG Skills.
- Providing the Stakeholder with an electronic copy of the SETA report for record purposes; and
- Information sessions and / or updates provided when amendments to legislation occur.
Add-on services include:
Application for discretionary funding for projects not managed by CSG but by another training provider.
Coordination of external learnerships or training projects not managed by CSG.
Training Solutions
We offer a range of SAQA and NQF registered full qualifications. All our qualifications are also registered as learnerships which provide access to a number of tax benefits aligned with section 12H(a) of the Income Tax Act. Our full qualifications run over a 10 – 12 month period and classes are scheduled to ensure limited operational impact to both learners and the employers.
Our Skills solution offers a wide range of skills programmes. Skills programmes generally include one, two, or more Unit Standards and will be assessed against criteria to prove competence. The skills programmes are fully accredited and, therefore, credits are accumulated and can be used, on achievement, as building blocks towards a full qualification.
B-BBEE Solutions
- An analysis of the Measured Entity’s previous B-BBEE scorecard in comparison to the desired level.
- Target setting based on the financial figures of the previous measurement period in light of the desired level to provide a budget for the following measurement period.
- Providing the Measured Entity with the most cost-effective implementation plan to achieve the desired level.
- Financial Information updated and accessible on a monthly basis, to provide real time scoring and presented to the Measured Entity during a quarterly formal meeting.
- Updates regarding changes in targets and amendments to implementation plans supplied to the Measured Entity during quarterly meetings.
- Templates to assist with verification evidence and assistance with the completion thereof.
- An electronic verification file that is continuously updated to simplify verification preparation.
- Final scoring and adjustments prior to the measurement period ending and again prior to verification engagement.
- Information sessions and / or updates where amendments to legislation occur.
- Impact analysis of changes in legislation in light of implementation plans and desired levels.
- Access to the Skills Solution cloud based B-BBEE scorecard manager to view live tracking and progress of all elements within the B-BBEE scorecard.
- Completion of verification documentation and all dealings with the Verification Agency on behalf of the Measured Entity including: